
Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hi guys!

I am making a new blog.



Thursday, August 11, 2011


Sorry I have not been posting a lot.  We have been moving a lot, but, we are almost settled, though.

Bye bye

(you know who)  Island Girl

Friday, July 15, 2011

Citrus Cookies

Hi.  I'm back.  Sorry I haven't posted in a loooooong time.

I love to bake.  I love to cook.  I like to bake better than cooking, though. 

I've made a lot of cobblers.  I've made cookies.  I called them "citrus cookies". 

My recipe is:

4 tablespoons Organic Smart Balance Spread
1/4 cup Organic Maple Syrup
juice from about a half of an orange
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
orange zest
1 tsp baking soda
slivered almonds

I turned on the oven and pre-heated it to 350 degrees.  Spray a cookie sheet.  In a small mixing bowl, whisk together butter, maple syrup, orange juice and vanilla.  In a large mixing bowl, put the oats and flour together (sift the flour first).  Add baking soda and zest.  Add wet ingredients to dry.  Stir it until it's all combined.  Add the almonds and form into little balls.  And, then smush the balls on the cookie sheet.  Bake 13 minutes.  Serve.

They taste like scones and are very good.  Made about 16 cookies.


Bye, bye.

Island Girl

Monday, July 11, 2011

I love

I love to sing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love to read.  I love to write, (sometimes).

I looooooooooooooov my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Bye, bye

                        ~ Island Girl ~

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Random Things

I forgot to tell you that I am homeschooled by my Mommy. 

My Daddy is a mechanic.  That means he works on cars.

My cousins and my grandma are in Germany right now because my grandma lives in Germany, and my cousins went to visit her.  My sister and I are going to go next year to see Germany because we will be older so we can remember more.

By the way, my sister is 6 1/2. 

I think my whole family is very special to me.  And I think of pets as family, too. 

One day when we were walking, we found a crate on the side of the road.  We went over there and checked, and what we found in there was a Momma Cat and six kittens.  They are very cute.  We cannot keep them, though.  They have to get adopted.  Momma Cat is being spayed right now.  You always want to spay or neuter your pet! 

I think that's all.

Bye, bye.

Island Girl

About my day

Hi.  I'm back.

I just wanted to tell you about our day.  Our day is normally like this:

We wake up.
We eat breakfast.
We do our chores.
We do school.
We play.
We have lunch.
We take a nap ~ well, I actually just rest, craft and read.  My sister actually sleeps sometimes.
When we wake up, we watch Giada at Home.  That is a cooking show on Food Network.  I love to watch Food Network.
Then, we have Free Play until dinner.
We eat dinner.
We help clean up.  And, by the way, my Mommy is the best cook ever.
Then, we brush our teeth, have our read aloud and go to bed.

At nap time, I usually read and craft.  I've crafted a lot in my life.  So, I'm so good at it.

My grandma and aunt have already commented on my new blog.  I'm very happy about that. 

That's all.

Bye bye.

Island Girl

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sweet Pea and Cow

Sweet Pea is my dog.  She is playful, loving and sweet.  She loves to have a belly rub.  She is a girl.

Cow is a  lazy cat.  He is sweet & kind.  He used  to be an out-back cat but now he is an out-front cat.

~ Island Girl